Universal McCann's Bob Coen lowered his 2005 US ad spending prediction from 6.4% growth (or $280.6bn) to 5.7% (or $278.7bn)
He also lowered his national totals from 7.4% increase (or $178.2bn) to 6.5% (or $177.9bn)
(for more, visit Mediaweek)
This was hot on the heels of yesterday's Ad Age AdWatch conference, where TNS Media Intelligence forecasted a moderate 3.4% increase in US Advertising spending for 2005 (to $145.3bn)
The TNS caveat is that their numbers only include media they measure - so for example, their Internet increase of 7.6% growth does not include paid search (which would essentially double it) Coen, on the other hand, has a 15% increase for Internet ad spending.
Personally, I would take the word "Intelligence" out of the TNS name until they figure out how to be truly inclusive/comprehensive, but I guess it is a good relative measure/benchmark (just like Nielsen....!)
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