I've been following the Dove thread for a while now and truth be told, haven't blogged it yet because I've been too excited about it...and wanted my post to be "just right", but then thinking about it, realized that procrastination would be tantemount to the lies, misdirection and bullshit that has come from Madison Avenue for too long now through retouched photography, use of starving beautiful people (AKA models) and all the other falsehoods associated with portraying things not as they really are, but how they would be in Utopia (which when last I checked was not a town in suburbia)
Here's a good piece written on the subject in Slate.
I take my hat off to the folks at Dove for their honest (some might call it risky, but not me) incorporation of real people in their most recent campaign. How novel...use the very people that you would hope would buy your product. Doesn't take a genius to realize the value in migrating away from fooling people and insulting their intelligence to respecting them through authentic messaging.
It's part of a very strong trend which underpins the new consumerism brought about through/by new marketing: "consumers aren't as stupid as they used to be" iow, fool me once, screw you! You don't get a second chance anymore...
P.S. Sales for this campaign in the UK soared a whopping 700% in case you're wondering whether honesty pays off
P.P.S. Even Nike is getting in on the act!
P.P.P.S. Great news for models, inc. You can start eating again.
P.P.P.P.S. Score extra points if you correctly credited the post title with a song by Madness)
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