I'd like to propose an official name change: from LEGO to LEGOS. In fact, I'm going to make sure that my kids only refer to this brand as LEGOS. In fact I'm going to ask Peter Jackson to go back and re-edit LOTR (with apologies to JRR) and rename the elf, LEGOSLAS. JUST TO PISS OFF THOSE PETTY MORONS AT legoS.
This note (which can be found on www.legos.com) is patronizing, smug, insulting and demonstrates how disconnected marketing is from reality today. Nuff said.
Here's the full text for you (taken from the source code):
The word LEGO is a brand name, and is very special to all of us in the LEGO Group Companies. We would sincerely like your help in keeping it special. Please always refer to our products as LEGO bricks or toys and not LEGOS. By doing so, you will be helping to protect and preserve a brand of which we are very proud, and that stands for quality the world over. Thank you!"
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