Great developing story regarding someone who purchased an iPod Nano and after his screen cracked, put up this little website,, which thanks to AdJab, myself and no doubt countless other blogs, has now made the leap into the communal stratosphere.
While this is not the first consumer website harping on about a defective or flawed product, what is fairly original is the stance taken. This is not a consumer out to get Apple (Jarvis, Jarvis, Jarvis) but one that is passionate, principled and simply doing what they feel is right. Even though Apple replaced the cracked Nano in question...the site is not going away as he-or-she-who-will-not-be-named is sticking to his or her guns - which in this case is raising the collective communal consciousness to determine whether Jobs needs to do a bit of a recall.
On a personal note...Cory, I told you so.
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