Just read an interesting piece by R/GA's Bob Greenberg on real neutrality. Here some worthy snippets:
The fundamental problem with media neutrality as a rallying cry for the industry is that it perpetuates the false assumption that nearly all marketing problems are solved with an advertisement
Media neutrality became a natural reflex of advertising agencies when confronted with fundamental changes threatening their core business: by becoming netural about the media, they could still remain committed to making more ads.
What clients really need is engagement neutrality...the ability to solve problems across perception, behavior, interaction and transaction
The article got me to thinking...now is the time not to be media neutral. In fact, media neutrality became another way of saying, "we're not a TV-based or biased agency anymore", "we consider all options equally" My point is that not all impressions are created equally and if engagement is going to be our rallying cry, then we're going to need to demonstrate a disproportionate tendancy to use emerging and new marketing over mass and traditional, predictable outlets for example.
To Bob's point...it's not always or only about advertising and often times, the solution may very well be hub-centric with the web as "Grand Central Station" i.e. marketing above media.
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