First my RSS reader didn't I can't access Could it be? Is Google down?
Update: It's now 11am and I still can't access any Google services. I'm going out of my mind...Google withdrawal is not pretty. There have been plenty of Internet deprivation studies...but how about one for Google?
All this made me think:
1. What would life be like without Google? Think about it. It's interesting...makes you really scrutinize the competitive landscape and also evaluate Google's inroads/role it has played in our lives.
2. I'm wondering if I've been Google-blacklisted. Did I say something wrong about them? Tom assures me it's working for him, so I'm starting to get a little paranoid. Perhaps if I don sackcloth, sit in a pile of ashes, fast and repent, I will have atoned for my sins and Google will welcome me back into the fold.
Update: 1pm. Thanks Tom...a quick reboot helped. This house is clean.
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