Across the Sound Podcast #11
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please note that our next podcast will run the week of December 5. Give us a week off, we've earned it :)
To subscribe, visit iTunes and search for "Across the Sound" podcast or listen to the file here.
Introduction/Podbits (00:32)
* We receive our first promo from the Cubicle Escape podcast on the brain dump trivia competition
* Rob Sample says our audio quality stinks
* Steve mulls a video podcast
* Jeff Caylor's 10 Holiday Spirit Hacks
* More email feedback
What We're Blogging About (19:42)
* Steve: splog solution is economic, Google services for publishers
* Joseph: online sold out, TypePad service
Theme of the Week: MSM Why Can or Why Can't They Get It (29:30)
Winners and Losers (39:53)
Joe: Democrats (winner), six broadcast networks (loser)
Steve: Mark Cuban (winner), Audible (loser)
Significant Mentions: Screencasts Online, Andy Wibbels, John Udell, the silent podcast, Frappr, Die Hard, Shayne Bowman, cinecast, SNL skit on Steve Jobs and the spammies, Mommycast, Email Girl Talk, Dan Gillmor, We the Media, Terry Heaton, Rex Hammock.
Length: 51:34
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