I'm sticking it to the man, or something like that.
Just received my brand new Samsung SPH-A920 phone with fully loaded Sprint service as part of their Ambassador program. Thanks!
I will be taking lots of pictures (as in the pic of the box my phone came in) and video (Jaffe Juice tri-band blog, podcast and vlog is now lined up to take over the world - brewhahaha) and delivering good, bad and ugly (but not necessarily in that order) as I give an honest reflection of the service.
One thing that troubles me somewhat is that Verizon and Sprint are not quad-band/on the GSM network...that does not bode well for an international man of mystery.
Also, as a rabid-loyal Blackberry user/fan (or at least one that loves persistent/push e-mail) and currently a Cingular customer, Sprint/Samsung do have their work cut out for them...plus expect some Juice on Motorola over the next week or so as well (two words: pink + RAZR; three words: pink + RAZR + wife)
Let the games begin.
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