This week I welcome back the man who co-started it all, my friend Steve Rubel.
You can find the link to the MP3 file here and the full shownotes are below. Of course you can also subscribe directly to Across the Sound by clicking on this iTunes link.
ATS #23 from Westport , CT
Mashup intro from Derek "The Bandit" Richardson ( and Charlie Crowe (007)
1m - my reflections from The Boston Ad Club's 3rd Annual Symposium
3m30 - audio feedback from Dave Chase
4m45 - thanks to my 3 reviews on iTunes!
5m45 - question for do I get extensive shownotes on ATS?
7m15 - audio feedback from Sean Maney (
12m30 - an original offer to prospective ATS sponsors - become part of the content!
17m30 â sorry for the CaveCast burps!
20m - the Q&A from my keynote presentation at Boston Ad Club's Symposium (life without mass media; agencies as publishers; reversing CMO churn)
29m30 - welcome (back), Steve Rubel. We discuss PR taking center stage, his move to Edelman, the ongoing Walmart debate, as well as Steveâs thread on Center of Gravity (COG)
Mentions: MicroPersuasion, Edelman, Phil Gomes, Walmart, Boston
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