Mastercard has created a series of aspiring CGC spots which essentially invite consumers to fill in the blanks as in ________ $9, ________ $14, ....., _________ priceless. The 2 spots: Sailboat and Typewriter drive traffic to a very cluttered
Adrants wonders if consumers will get it and also if hungry freelance creatives will jump onboard in order to get a job. I wonder if this attempt is the final concession that existing creatives (actually working on the business) have finally run out of ideas and are waving the white flag for consumers to do their jobs for them.
Here is your homework: Fill in the blanks...
1) Is this true CGC or just a weak attempt to inject a little more morphine into the sickly 30-second spot?
2) Do you believe it will work - part 1? Ultimately, it is inviting interaction (and that's a good is the fact Mastercard will actually air the "winning entries"), but is the 30-second spot the best way to draw attention and invite participation?
3) Do you believe it will work - part 2? As in produce the kind of engagement/return on investment the client is looking for?
4) Ultimately, one has to assign more pluses than minuses to this effort. It is weak, but it is decidedly better than the status quo. Its success does not bank on the ad being seen on TV, but rather through the human and world wide webs respectively, but begs the question...was TV even necessary in the first place?
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