Chevy is the latest brand to jump on the create-your-own-ads b(r)andwagon.
Pete Blackshaw alerted me to this promotion, and also shared his spot for my perusal. He calls it iCGM as in "incented" Consumer Generated Content.
The interface itself is great. A litle clunky in terms of mashing the frames i.e. rearranging their order. I also like the organization of the assets into benefit categories: capable, responsible, refined (very subtle)
The director's tips however, don't resonate at all and seem to be a cut 'n paste job from the creative brief itself. Now I know that the goal here is to create a "compelling and persuasive" television ad, but come on...isn't that the agency's job? There's just something that doesn't sit right or feel right with me. Compare and contrast with the Converse Gallery for example.
What I also don't get is that this doesn't tie into the Apprentice appearance in the slightest. There is no call to action from TV to the Web which talks about the iCGM promotion and conversely, besides the logo of the Apprentice, there is a stark disconnect here (read: lack of integration)
I also find the rules/regulations to be quite constricting. I've pasted them in the extended post.
To this end, I have followed the rules and as an exercise/experiment, I created my own version. As of posting this, I have not been "reviewed" and approved. It will be interesting to see how much subjective and self-serving moderation is taking place. I will say that I created somewhat of an irreverent commercial...all above board, rules compliant and family friendly, but one that takes a few fun shots in the process.
Watch this space!
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: To be eligible for judging, each Entry must:
1) Must contain five (5) or more clips from the provided assets
2) Must contain at least one (1) clip from each category (Responsible, Capable, Refined)
3) Must include text
4) Must contain a soundtrack
Entries will be ineligible if they are corrupted, do not meet ALL of the specified requirements or are not able to be viewed due to technical error or reasons beyond the control of the Sponsors or the judges. In addition, a submission shall be void if it includes any endorsements or "commercial tie-ins", or if it contains any material which Sponsors or judges in their sole discretion deems patently offensive such as profanity, violence or nudity, or which might subject Sponsors or its licensees to unfavorable regulatory action, violate any law, infringe the rights of any person, or subject Sponsors or its Licensees to liability for any reason. By submitting an Entry: (a) entrant represents and warrants that the Entry (i) except for the elements accessed from the library ("assets"), is wholly original with entrant, (ii) has not previously been submitted, distributed or aired on the internet or elsewhere for any purpose, (iii) once entered in the Contest will not be used by entrant or any other person for any other purpose, (iv) does not incorporate or include anything that is owned by any third party or would require the consent of any third party and (v) does not violate any copyright, trademark, publicity right, privacy right or any other right of any third party; (b) entrant agrees that Entry shall be a "work made for hire," as defined by United States copyright law and any similar Canadian law with all rights therein, including, without limitation, the exclusive copyright, being the property of Sponsors; (c) in the event Entry is considered not to be a "work made for hire," entrant irrevocably assigns to Sponsors all right, title, and interest in Entry (including, without limitation, the copyright) in any and all media whether now known or hereafter devised, in perpetuity, anywhere in the world, with the right to make any and all uses thereof, including, without limitation, for purposes of advertising or trade; and (d) if an eligible minor, the entrant has the written consent of his or her parent or legal guardian. All Entries become the property of the Sponsors and will not be acknowledged nor returned under any circumstances. Upon request of Sponsors, Entrant will provide a copy of any written consent as required above.
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