This week's Across the Sound is a World Cup, Father's Day, Jaffe Juice Joggers mash-up!
Winner is Gatorade and Loser is Bavaria Beer. Rant of the Week is about people who attend conferences without business cards...and much much more.
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1m47 - Fresh Glue's Nathan Schock and the "Jaffe Juice Joggers." Contact me if you'd like to help with a JJJ T-Shirt on Cafepress.
4m10 - Shout out to the latest additions on the Frappr Map.
5m55 - My first audio comment from my Conversations as Presentations initiative. It comes from Rob Fields after my closing address at the ANA Masters of Integrated Marketing Conference. Rob challenges me on my assertion that consumers aren't empowered. I answer his question, with a few tangents about attention, multi-tasking and on-demand consumption.
15m15 - An update on upcoming guests, including a return leg on the American Copywriter round-trip (part 1 here), David Armano from Logic + Emotion, and another possible suprise guest (bigtime!)
18m45 - Some more thoughts from the Innovation Marketing Conference on Innovation/Talking to Innovative Consumers with respect to Focus Groups and Engagement (versus Exposure)
24m - A quick teaser for an interview I gave with Marketing Talk/Research Talk with Simon Andrews
28m20 - A call out to anyone who will help me build in Second Life. I'll pay in L$ or USD. e-mail me to [email protected]
29m40 - Robert Scoble leaves Microsoft for Podtech. Podcast Press Release here. New Marketing Implications for Microsoft, the Scoble brand and podcasting in general. "Love what you do and the rest will follow"
38m45 - A "commute divider" courtesy of Black Lab - Ecstasy (purchase the track here)
44m - From the sublime to the ridiculous: It's this week's Rant of the Week about people who go to conferences and don't take/have business cards with them
46m45 - Audio comment from Michael Seaton, who will hopefully be our second correspondent, on overnight failures. Check out his new blog, The Client Side.
53m45 - An audio triple threat from Chris Worden :) on career advice (I play feedback from Chris Clarke who attributes his job at Thornley-Fallis to his promo on Across the Sound), marketing to Avatars (such as in Second Life), ATS sponsor, [x + 1] (I play an audio comment from Michael Chaffin about monetizing podcasts), and whether the Web is an advertising or marketing medium.
Note: Toby Gabriner, [x+1]'s CEO will be co-host on ATS (most likely ATS #38 or #39) It should be fun.
1h12 - Winners & Losers: My winner of the week is Gatorade (hat tip to Fresh Glue) for their US Soccer team commercial - did they stay the course (in which case they are the winner) or pull the plug when the Czech Republic beat the US team 3-0 (in which case they are losers)?; Loser is Budweiser for getting sucker punched by Bavaria Beer in the Netherlands game
Thanks as always to Derek "The Bandit" Richardson and Charlie Crowe from the ATS music
Notable Mentions: [x + 1], Talent Zoo, World Cup, Treo 700, Cafepress, Fresh Glue, Promotions Marketing Association, ANA, Phil Mickelson, For Immediate Release, Daily Source Code, Media Deficit Disorder (MDD), John Wanamaker, Corante, Columbia Business School, ARF, AAAA's, Marketing Talk, Research Talk, Big Picture Blog, Robert Scoble, Microsoft, Podtech, Black Lab, Podsafe Music Network, Adam Curry, ScotiaBank, Chevy Tahoe, Red Bull, University of Idaho, Second Life, Thornley Fallis, AOL, Ad Age, On the Media, NPR, Subservient Chicken, Nike, Budweiser, Bavaria Beer, Fresh Glue
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