Great post on DailyFix by Mike Wagner titled, Hate my brand...please!
It's all about the polarizing appeal (or lack thereof) of Crocs shoes and why 'tis better to hate than not to feel at all.
Actually it's not about hate at all, but allowing for and respecting a difference of opinion...or just an opinion.
It's that kind of opinion that produces results like this:
Theyâve seen Crocs go from selling 1,500 pairs of shoes and a revenue of $24,000 in 2002 to last yearâs sales of 6 million pairs with total revenues (including shoes, accessories, and clothing) hitting $108.6 million. In May, the financial gurus at Crocs projected 2006 sales to reach over $200 million.
You see the problem with the world that we live in today is that we've all become a little numb, haven't we? We take a middle of the road "breakeven" position, avoiding the big win or the big loss as a result. We live in a world of artificially inseminated and falsely perpetuated reality and when we hear even the smallest whisper of dissention, we put our fingers in our waxed ears, scream at the top of lungs and hope to hell that the CEO doesn't find out about our butt-ugly plastic shoes (which might as well be a metaphor for our brand or our marketing communications)
Mike offers these words of wisdom:
- Embrace the hate to find your love.
- One personâs object of desire can be another personâs object of distain.
- People unite around ugly as much as beauty.
- Ugly can be temporary, while people adjust to âyour kind of beautyâ.
When I was in South Africa, one of my best mates came to visit. He was wearing THE most butt-ugly shoes I had ever seen in my life. I told him that I wouldn't be seen dead in shoes like that. The next day I purchased a pair for myself and my two kids. I love these shoes and talk about them to everyone.
The shoes in question? You guessed it....Nike's. Just kidding, they were Crocs.
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