Via ClickZ, the music single produced by Bolt Media and sponsored by Wendy's. The song is titled "Gunshy" and the catch here is that it was produced entirely via Web collaboration.
In fact the entire affair was facilitated remotely so to speak, with audience participating and voting on every aspect - from the band's name to auditioning its members.
Even more special is the fact the song will be distributed via Web social networking metropolis' MySpace and FaceBook AND will also make its way to the radio in the hope of some mainstream play and perhaps even a chart attack.
"Not only has anything of this scale not been done at Bolt before, but as far as we know, no band has ever come together without meeting each other or talking together and produced a song," said Bolt CEO Aaron Cohen.
Aaron's not quite right and perhaps he should take a stroll over to Podsafe for Peace with "If every day were Christmas". I put it down to his excitement, which is quite justified...this is quite unique and I for one, will be eager to see if the transition from 2.0 to 0.2 (get it?) is a success.
Here's the track (can't find the standalone MP3 though....hmmmm):
Upload music at Bolt.
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