The following "adage" caught my eye in a recent issue of Ad Age. In a column called Adages written by Ken Wheaton ([email protected]), I read the following:
Found! World's first example of blogger-related humility
...we received a notice from Brooklyn Brothers, who announced their own blog in a rather unique way. "Why is blogging like urinating in a dark suit
e? Because it gives you a warm feeling but no one else notices. Yes, the Brooklyn Brothers have entered the blogosphere. You can find out how little is on our mind by visisting Be among the twelve people (including relatives) to read our random thoughts." What's unique about this isn't the imagery. It's that rare realization by a blogger that so few people are actually reading.
Believe me, I can appreciate self-deprecation. Personally, I will not be stopping by to read "random thoughts" or what little is on the minds of the folk who work at Brooklyn Brothers. Yes, they got the attention of Ad Age...and yes, they got the ink (to date Jaffe Juice has not) perhaps, they do know what they're doing.
On the other hand, I'm not sure what to make of Ken's comments. Like the Brooklyn Bros, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Let's assume he doesn't actually mean what he wrote...because if he did, he'd be cleary demonstrating his lack of understanding of what blogging, the blogosphere and social media are all about.
It only takes twelve good citizens to convict and sentence a man or woman to death...or conversely to set them free. The equivalent is true in the blogosphere.
Perhaps it's time for this particular agency to change their underpants and take a look at their log files.
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