crayonville Island will be hosting Second Life's first (not my words) CaseCamp on December 14th at 9pm EST/6pm PST/2am (Dec 15) GMT.
For those of you not familiar with CaseCamp, here's the shpiel:
CaseCamp is an unconference for marketers. Following in the footsteps of BarCamp, and building on the model of DemoCamp, CaseCamp brings together people interested in marketing-oriented activites to learn from their peers via case study presentations. CaseCamp is structured on purpose. The goal is to create an independent forum for for great dialogue. Typically, a presenter presents a case (good, bad, ugly, lessons learned, etc.) and then a lively discussion ensues during a Q&A period.
You can find out more here, register here and if you're interested in presenting, contact Kate Trgovac, one of the organizers (along with Bryan Person, C.C. Chapman and Eli Singer)
I'll be there...
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