So I just got to see the remainder of the spots I missed, thanks to YouTube.
Most notably:
- Fedex - what happens when you are addicted to 30-second spot extravaganza's like crack cocaine.
- Class Mencia - very funny and sure to be popular, even with its un-PC execution
- Snickers - Terrible Terrible Terrible. Even more un-PC and worse still, insulting to boot.
There were a couple of other Bud spots - Rock, Paper, Scissors and Reception that were harmless and forgettable.
Doesn't change my overall opinion that this was yet another year of embarrassment and underperformance.
What this business needs is some Flomax or Flonaise or FloJo in order to correct our irregular stream of creativity
- Can't believe there were 49 commercials (not to mention the repeats like Go Daddy or Careerbuilder x 3+
- Spare a thought for Van Heusen, coming in stone last. Worse still is that most viewers think it is an upcoming movie starring Hugh Jackman
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