This is kind of twisted. A couple of years ago, I picked up a factoid about multi-tasking. Truth is I've been using this data point (sourced and all) fairly liberally. Even put it into Join the Conversation.
In my due dilligence, I look to confirm the exact verbiage and all that comes up on the Web is this:
Schulman: Thatâs right. Itâs multi-task, right? I think Yankelovich says that the average 25- to 54-year-old can manage 1.4 platforms of media simultaneously. Which is like, you can IM while you work, or you can talk on your cell phone while you drive (hopefully). They say that 12- to 25-year-olds can manage 4.7 platforms of media simultaneously.
It's my buddy Alan Schulman from Brand New World being quoted in an interview on
So I contact Yankelovich and they say....sorry, not our data.
Interesting conundrum with more interesting implications. For one thing, should iMedia be fact checking better? Why is Yankelovich not monitoring the conversation better and nipping inaccuracies in the bud?
Moreover, my primary interest is to see if the new marketing community (you) can help me get to the bottom of this very profound insight i.e. the multi-tasking ability of 12-24/5 year olds versus 25-49/54 etc. I'd still like to include it in the book.
Signed copy of the new book if you can help me solve the riddle.
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