With the voting in and tallied, including two cheaters (who have been paired up against each other as punishment for trying to rock the vote and ultimately set up against Seth Godin), we are now ready to begin the big dance.
The full seedings are as follows and you can click on this thumbnail to view the complete brackets.
More importantly, click here to vote on the 16 head-to-head match-ups. Once enough votes are in, I'll tabulate again and narrow the field down to the "Sweet 16" and so on and so forth.
fyi, David Armano, in a putrid ass-kissing way to influence his growing following put together this very smart post offering commentary and insight on the randomness of the MVB's and also the MSM angle associated with it. Don't let this MVB demonstration of thought leadership go unpunished!
- Jaffe v Seth Godin on the card if all goes according to seeding
- We're rooting for Where's the Sausage heads up against Eggs, Bacon, Chips & Beans!
Vote NOW
- Seth Godin - http://sethgodin.typepad.com/
- Wired â http://blog.wired.com/
- Logic + Emotion - http://darmano.typepad.com/logic_emotion/
- Jaffe Juice - http://www.jaffejuice.com
- BrandAutopsy - http://brandautopsy.typepad.com/
- Russel Davies - http://russelldavies.typepad.com/
- Church of the Consumer - http://www.churchofthecustomer.com/blog/
- Beyond Madison Avenue - http://www.beyondmadisonavenue.com/
- Micro Persuasion - http://www.micropersuasion.com
- "Why Business People Speak Like Idiots" http://www.fightthebull.com/blog/
- Cool Hunting â http://www.coolhunting.com/
- Mark Cuban - http://www.blogmaverick.com/
- Branding Strategy Insider - http://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com/
- http://www.scottweisbrod.com/index.php/
- Gaping Void - http://www.gapingvoid.com/
- PSFK - http://www.psfk.com
- Creative Think - http://blog.creativethink.com/
- Radical Trust - http://www.radicaltrust.ca
- Adverlab â http://adverlab.blogspot.com/
- SpringWise - http://www.springwise.com/
- POW! Right Between The Eyes! http://powrightbetweentheeyes.typepad.com/
- Adliterate by Richard Huntington - http://www.adliterate.com/
- "Eggs Bacon Chips & Beans" - http://russelldavies.typepad.com/eggbaconchipsandbeans/
- Servant of Chaos - http://servantofchaos.typepad.com/
- Conversation Agent - http://conversationagent.typepad.com/
- Hello_World - http://missinglink.typepad.com/hello_world/
- Where's The Sausage - http://wheresthesausage.typepad.com/
- Modern Life is Rubbish - http://www.modernlifeisrubbish.co.uk/
- NussbaumOnDesign - http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/NussbaumOnDesign/index.html
- Pronet Advertising - http://www.pronetadvertising.com
- CK's Blog - http://www.ck-blog.com/
- Top Rank Blog - http://www.toprankblog.com
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