So I'm signing books at THE Conference in Marketing in Vegas and I'm asked the following question: What are the top 5 books you'd recommend I read that would bring me up to speed?
My response was that I haven't really read 5 great (or crap) business books lately due to the fact I've been writing my own. Sure I could have said Wisdom of Crowds, The Ultimate Question etc., but truthfully I've only started and haven't even remotely broken the backs of them yet.
But then I started thinking about blogs and what would constitute what I'm calling the MVB's (Most Valuable Blogs) - not my (or your) favorite blogs per se - but the ones that are most valuable in terms of providing smart, original thought leadership and guidance for people trying to understand and navigate through the new marketing world.
So let's have it. What are your MVB's in the category of smart, strategic and creative leadership?
I'll throw the first into the ring: David Armano's Logic + Emotion
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