Of course it's the 2,000 bloggers that won by the narrowest of votes! Can you believe it?
I've taken a gander at an initial mock-up and it looks AWESOME! I'll share it very soon...
So now comes the fun part...approvals. Personally, I don't think this is an issue, but there are enough old farts around me that think otherwise. So here's what we're going to do (I'll list 'em all)
- If you don't want your beautiful headshot or likeness to be used (the very thought is bizarre given the fact the book is all about the very reason why you're blogging in the first place), leave a comment on this post. Should you want to be a party pooper, you'll need to let me know before end of day, Wednesday March 28th. In which case, your mug will be removed and you will be labeled a party pooper, ridiculed and peppered with rotton tomatoes. For the others, your silence is golden (they tell me this is called "negative consent").
- As it is likely not all images will make the final cut, if you want to be included REALLY BADLY, be sure to leave a comment here as well. I'll do my best to oblige...
- Please spread the word just in case some bloggers are asleep at the wheel. My recommendation is to start at the top of the original image and for each blogger to contact the next person in order. In other words, I'll start with Tino and he would contact Daniel Franklin who would then contact Upon Further Review and so on...
- Also, if you are one of the 2,000 bloggers, feel free to reach out to the next person on the immediate right of your image and start from there...
This could be the blogosphere's biggest approval chain to date. Hopefully no one will break the chain of looooooove :) It's kind of like everyone reaching out to the person on their right and giving them a big bear hug.
Game on...
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