Yesterday at Podcamp NYC, on a live recording of Across the Sound, Lynette Young was talking about how her Second Life alter-ego, Lynette Radio, has become a brand. If you think about it, every blogger, podcaster, YouTube producer or Second Life resident is becoming his, her or its own brand in some way, shape or form.
Well, if that's the case...why not start to contextualize the brand equity and integrate it into our vernacular. Hey, it worked for Google and TiVo!
I've started with five people I know. I'll let you carry on from here. Please remember this is in good spirited fun. PS I can't wait to see the various interpretations of "Jaffe" :)
The intern came in the other day with a few novel ideas on how to make the workplace better, but I quickly Verdinoed him
Verdino = To prematurely poo-poo a new idea
With 3 hours to go before the big pitch, we were still lacking a game-plan; what we needed was a means to Rubel our selling proposition into an ordered and logical flow
Rubel = To organize pragmatic and useful ideas into a bulleted list
The new supervisor in the corner office is way too guarded; he keeps ideas to himself instead of Scobelizing them throughout the workplace
Scobelize: The act of sharing freely for the greater good of mankind
My new personal trainer is awesome. She Chapmanâs the hell out of me in every session
Chapman: A take-no-prisoners no-bullshit approach to life; (v) To cut the crap and focus on the prize
I could kill that new snotty kid who just moved into the neighborhood. He always gets in the last word and out-Jarvises me in front of the girls.
Jarvis: A bull's-eye, wry and snarky assessment of the situation; (v) To quickly call a situation for what it is whilst leaving a hell of a hangover
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