OK OK OK...I've received enough comments to cause me to pause enough to consider a Macbook Pro as an alternative to the Vaio I'm looking to purchase.
This, coupled with CC's discovery path, has given me enough cause to contemplate a hybrid solution i.e. Mac for all multimedia and PC for Office-apps (Outlook, Word, Excel) I'm even prepared to give up PowerPoint for Keynote :)
One variable that has influenced this process is the fact I'm hearing that Vista is just not compatible (yet) with many programs/applications. There's no way I want to be stuck with hardware plug-and-play problems or apps like PowerGramo, Audacity or Castblaster giving me problems.
Marketing sidebar: Nowhere in this process is the presence or semblance of any life whatsoever from Microsoft, Sony or Apple. CC's post irks me insofar that Apple's inability (arrogance?) to participate in the conversation makes me less likely to consider switching. Whilst I love the fact his community came to his rescue (much like I'm proposing below), I can't help but wonder why brands continue to sit on the sidelines and pretend they're deaf.
So here's what I'd like to do. As part of UNM2PNM, I'd like to invite one (or more) Jaffe Juice reader(s) - Mac lovers of course - to Westport, CT to spend a day with me and help "train me" AKA "convert me" to the cult of Mac. We'll possibly head out to the Apple store at the Westchester Mall to pick up the machine (customized beforehand), spend the day in my Westport office, have a lavish lunch (with wine), takes photos with my Nikon D80 camera and record both an episode of Across the Sound and possibly an iMovie.
In fact the goal of the day will be to do all of this with the new Macbook Pro.
Who's interested?
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