As Keanu Reeves might say in one of his signature one-word lines, "Woah!"
Radiohead has done a Dell and cut out the middleman BIG TIME in what I would call "direct-to-consumer". They're essentially leaving it completely up to their fans to determine what they should pay for the band's new album.
They even remind people that there are no strings attached:
Whether you believe Radiohead's new album, In Rainbow is worth UK 1p (or US 2c) or an exponential multiple thereof, ultimately that's your choice and your decision.
Woah indeed.
No iTunes. No Limewire or Kazaa. No SpiralFrog. No HMV. No Virgin. No problem. No way!!!!
I'd like to see this go one step further i.e. let listeners go back to the original transaction and - based on their level of satisfaction - increase or decrease their original offer. Now that's what I would call "satisfaction guaranteed"
It's a totally original spin on true market forces, no?
Hat Tip to Greg Veerman.
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