Forget The Long Tail. The same for the Fuzzy Tail. Instead, might I introduce you to The Hummy Tail.
Proving once again, how content is immortalized on the social Web, on August 7, 2006, I wrote a brief post called Hump that Hummer, outlining a new website called I humped your Hummer, where anti-Hummer "enthusiasts" expressed their thoughts about the invasion of the roadsnatchers.
Anyhoo, yesterday (January 23rd, 2008) "Nikki" posts this comment:
I own a HUMMER H2 and compared to a Toyota Prius we are angels. Toyota Prius' have killed 100 miles of forest around the mine in which their battery parts are mined. And our gas milage is no different then a Yukon, Suburban or any other similar sized vehicle. You just hate me cause I am 28 and own a $65000 vehicle! I have yet to hump a hummer but I have humped in my truck. It's great getting off on expensive leather! A civic or a corolla probably doesn't have that kind of quality eh? Plus my two children are safe and that is WHAT MATTERS! Take your little cars and drive them. But I will KEEP MINE FOREVER!!!!!!!
Classic! My best comment ever. In her brief rant, she outlines exactly why people feel the way they do about Hummers.
...but then something happens. She returns to the scene of the crime, calmer, cooler and more collected (perhaps she drove over a little old lady on her way home from soccer practice) and writes this comment:
Ok, that was a bit harsh on my end. i apologize for the mean civic comment-I had two accords myself when I was younger. But hummers get a bad wrap. We are environmentally no worse than a Yukon or similar sized suv. We are just easier to pick on because we look worse. Go after the uppity soccer moms living in the burbs. I am truly a down to earth person defensive about people who pick on our trucks. Again I apologize for the comment. Nikki
Nikki, apology accepted. In fact, let me just say that I love you. You are truly my new favorite commenter. I appreciate your passion and for the first time feel differently about Hummers and their drivers...well, at least you.
You probably stumbled upon Jaffe Juice through a typical Google search, but now that you've found it, I hope you enjoy an environment where people aren't afraid to say what they feel, even 18 months after the fact!
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