These days I seem to keep my Firefox open with about 50 tabs to the extent where Firefox takes up about 400K+ of Memory. Fortunately, my Dell XPS M1330 has 4GB of memory, but still...
At some point the computer will crash or I'll just close my browser by mistake and I lose all my URL's. Yes, I know.
Anyway, here this week's links are in no particular order and with commentary to boot:
- In case you missed it on Friday, newly retired Jim Garrity, ex-CMO at Wachovia, wrote this review/post on Jaffe Juice about Join the Conversation
- Social media will change your business. And if Business Week says it's so, it must be true.
- Question: Outlook + Twitter = ???? OutTwit. Get it now.
- Via, another great way of proving the power of power. In this case, circumventing Tom Cruise and Church 'O Scientology heavies with a reenactment video.
- David Armano on the 3 U's. I need to digest this against some of my Life after the 30-second spot models: RUE (Relevance, Utility, Entertainment) or the 6 C's from Join the Conversation.
- Average age of Twitterati as per this survey is 37. That's my age. I guess I must be average then.
- Keith Burtis' social media miracle came true. More here and here.
- New ANA Survey. Marketers say TV ads are less effective. Yawn. Same survey. New Year. No new thinking. Come on ANA...take a position and challenge your members properly instead of pandering to them
- Top 10 Twitter Hacks; More twitter - Mack on why Twitter is better than Facebook
- Phil Gomes' position on open-friended SocNet's. I personally disagree and have invited him to chat about this. No response from him yet :(
- Top marketing experts dish on their best marketing secrets. I wasn't included in this list but here's my secret: don't dish your top marketing secrets to all and sundry; use them rather for your clients. Half kidding.
- HBR: The shrinking advantage of brands
- RSS in plain English (via the Consigliere)
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