A busy week of traveling to the DMA Leaders Forum and a breakfast roundtable in Miami and LaLaLand respectively meant light posts, but plenty of notes:
- 6 ways of preventing the death of a brand
- Tweet or change the world. Pick one - Verdion ponders whether tweeting (2.0) is the new shooting hoops (1.0); perhaps but as long as it makes us smarter directly (if you work for an agency for example) or indirectly (learning something new...), I'd say daily social media "distractions" are anything but
- Sara Silverman is f@cking Matt Damon, Jimmy Kimmel is f@cking Ben Affleck and Viral Videos are alive and kicking
- Marshall McLuhan was Canadian? Explains a lot. Seriously though, this is a terrific post that asks the question, "if the medium is the message, what is the message (or rather the unique behavioral impact) that social media ultimately brings to and influences society.
- Uwe Hook asks if we've all become assholes by turning into the enemy in dissing traditional media/agencies as backward dinosaurs and portraying ourselves as puritan know-it-alls. Personally I think Uwe is a backward dinosaur and doesn't know what he's talking about. Kidding :)
- Top 10 uses for Yahoo! Live and ooVoo - great to see my client's product being internalized and contextualized
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