Time to do a bit of a link purge:
- Traditional Interactive is dying. Hooray!
- Superlist of what NOT to do in social media. Hope making lists of links isn't one of them!
- When will marketers learn? Suicide and advertising don't mix! What is interesting is how something that happens halfway around the world resonates right in our back yard. Global village indeed.
- The always insightful Peter Kim pokes social media with a stick called ROI. Look out for my comment on the difference between marketing and marketing communications and implicitly, where I think social media should fit...
- Blogging versus Tweeting: THAT'S the question?
- Edelman Studios: PR meets Vine? Desperation, Innovation or Exploitation (D.I.E.) ? You Decide.
- Hold on a second...Pay per post is now Izea? Is that like Gator and Claria? In any event, they're doing this pretty buzzworthy program with my old client, K-mart and $500 spending and friending vouchers. I wasn't approached, but I wonder if I would have participated in this particular program...me personally, I'm a CostCo man.
- 8 Essential Free Social Media Monitoring Tools
- Why brands REALLY need to adopt conversational marketing. I'll let you figure it out.
- Francois Macre does an incredible a'cappella version of Thriller using 64 unique digital frames
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