Last year, Miller High Life kicked Budweiser's overpriced ass with the most perfect brandjacked piece of creative ever.
This year, they're trying again...this time - instead of using YouTube and the like - by buying around the Big Game, instead of in it. And oh by the way, with a series of Epilepsy inducing 1-second spots.
To me this represents the old, "once is witty, twice is shitty" adage. Put differently, most people's (including mine) reaction is a vigorous head nod, but the more you think about it, the less it makes sense.
Of course, this goes against the message itself and makes me think of two previous/similar Stupid Bowl attempts: 1) e-Trade's "we just wasted $2M on a Super Bowl spot, what are you doing/where you are you putting your money?" (Answer: hopefully not with you) and 2) Fedex's 10 tips how to create the perfect Super Bowl spot (Answer: tip #11: by esoterically talking to yourselves)
I will say that this is the ONLY spot in, near or around this year's Stupid Bowl that I'm even vaguely or remotely aware of. It appears that blogger/influencer outreach has hit an all time low in terms of activity/commitment.
What do you think? And while you're thinking, here are Brogan's thoughts
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