About a foot of snow outside which translates into about 10 links of things I discovered but had no time to elaborate on over the last week or so:
- Skittles homepage getting a lot of buzz. Seemingly positive. "Brave marketing" Here's my problem? What the buttons (or perhaps I should say "where") is the strategy? How is this different to Modernista did (note recent recession influenced bungle) with their homepage? And exactly how do you reconcile gems like, "bunnieblog: RT @califmom: skittles skittle skittles skittles capitalist whore skittles skittles skittles skittlesskittles capitalist whore skittles"
- "TV ads still effective - if not more" - ARF study released too early, somehow missing it's scheduled publishing date of April 1st.
- Skip, Scan, Stop, Save and/or Spread? Elevator pitch worth taking to heart re: content creation.
- I participated in the Great Word of Mouth Marketing Experiment recently, along with Andy Sernovitz. The catch was that this took place in Auckland, New Zealand and I was in Atlantis in the Bahamas. The original plan was to use video, but in the end we had to settle for audio only. What you'll "see" is a headshot of me as you listen, but thank your lucky stars you never saw the real me...sitting on the floor of an empty hotel room in nothing but a towel!
- Hard to describe this example of brand idiocy, but for sure RyanAir has a genuine shot of being included in the Hall of Shame for their lack of blogger relations (assuming this is accurate)
- Ad Age piece on how events are suffering the effects of the economy. Ultimately it's one of the many ironies and contradictions we're currently facing: we stop investing in learning, networking, and lead gen when arguably, we need it most.
- I know, I know...the last thing we need is YET another list of corporate Twitter accounts worth following, which is why I won't share this one. Oops I did it again.
- Twanalysis Paralysis. Whilst I appreciate the need to create new metrics in order to understand the social world we now live in, when is too much, too much? Here's a new service called Twitalyzer that introduces, Influence, Signal, Generosity, Velocity and Clout. I've given you my scores which as you'll see rate high on signal to noise (???) but low on velocity (read: I have better things to do) and clout (read: ass kissers). Not sure I'm buying...
- Just to show you that I'm not obsessed with Twitter, Robin Grant gives another thoughtful post on "brands and Twitter"
- Working the room through social media. Interesting post which references Gary Vaynerchuk comparing social media to "working a room" versus broadcast media as "giving a presentation". It's an interesting perspective, although I do see several challenges associated with this argument, particularly when equating "cost" (of doing business) on an apples to apples basis...but hey, it's all part of the conversation, right?
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