I fear many of us are falling victim to a giant, well-orchestrated Ponzi-type scheme involving the hyping of Twitter. It's actually nothing more than a simple traffic driving ruse, involving tweeting and retweeting links back to the various mainstream media and social media websites and blogs.
Here's the dupe: all of these articles are about Twitter. 15 best uses of.... 12 top brands on.... 7 smartest brand marketers etc,
So it's articles and posts about Twitter being promoted, distributed and amplified via Twitter and in doing so, driving traffic back to the same sites and blogs that set the ball rolling in the first place. And it's all thanks to the A.D.D.-like 140 character limit that basically lets you say Jack Squat except for a codified bit.ly slurl whatever that pushes you to go back to the scene of the crime.
And as this continues to escalate, the medias (Ali G) and internetz increase their coverage, attention and "air time" because they know they're getting rich quick in the process.
Am I wrong? I'm not sure I am. I'm not trying to be skeptical and all, but come on....there are bigger fish to fry and takes more than 140 characters to fry 'em.
Oh and just in case you forgot...I'm @jaffejuice on Twitter and feel free to RT the crap out of this post and remember, drinks on me when I get to 10,000 followers (tweet-up venue to follow soon)
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