I'm on record from a post dated December 6th, 2006, titled, "Death of the Portal" and I don't want this post necessarily to be a rant or an "I told you so."
That said, I felt I had to comment on the announcement that AOL has hired Leo Burnett to "communicate its upcoming reinvention to people around the world."
Gee, I wonder how many 30-second spots it will cost to do that? (Perhaps they could consult with GM)
If only there was some magical, mystical, fantastical device that could digitally or electronically talk to the entire world simultaneously at the simple push of a "send" button without necessarily costing a cent to do so.
A man can dream.
A man can dream.
If only there was a built-in, installed base; a community if you will of like-minded people that would be predisposed to receive said message.
...but alas, time-travel is not possible and we cannot go back 5+ years to when AOL actually had the coveted reach that they continued to throw good money after bad to woo into submission.
Leo's President talks about blazing a new trail when it comes to the beleaguered brand's separation from Time Warner...but all I can visualize is the separation of Enterprise's saucer from its primary hull - a move which was undertaken in the event of a "catastrophic emergency."
'er that would be now. And the emergency in question would be the inevitable death of AOL as it vainly and stubbornly attempts to convince us otherwise with yet another dose of over the top advertising.
In the words of the famous AOL sign-off, "good bye."
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